whats really wrong
well, i decided to write a rant. my other blogs don't seem to be that exciting to people, so here goes.
i have figured out the secret to solving all the problems in this country:
term limits.
congressmen are in the re-election business and thats about it. if they weren't so busy pleasing their constituents (pick a senator and just look at what their big issues are: ie, orrin hatch =utah=nuskin=fda regulation), then maybe some real progress would be made.
another thing to add to term limits: no gifts of any sort. i realize that a lot of lobbyists would be out of jobs, but if congressmen had to buy their own lunches, their focus and perspective might be a little less tainted. but what congressmen are going to vote themselves out of their cushy salaries and free lunches?
"It is, however, vast anonymous wealth which corrupts, since there are no superpersonal restraints on it, such as bring the true statesman completely into of the service of the political organism, and place him above corruption." --Francis P. Yockey